Between the ages 18 and 24, your third molars (or wisdom teeth) are the last to partially or fully emerge in your mouth. Because the jaw is usually too narrow to accommodate these new molars, they are frequently impacted, or ‘stuck’. If you have symptoms like swelling, pain, or trouble eating or opening your mouth, wisdom teeth removal may be strongly recommended. At Your Dentistree Mornington, we are committed to long-term oral health, which entails looking beyond curative care. We are dedicated to preventing issues that could have been avoided if intervened earlier.
Wisdom may not necessarily need to be removed if they are healthy, completely developed and positioned correctly. To effectively care for your wisdom teeth, our Your Dentistree Mornington team may provide at-home dental hygiene care instructions. When there is little or no room for wisdom teeth to come through, however, they can cause issues.
Wisdom teeth are located in difficult-to-reach places, making at-home oral care routines even harder. It’s no surprise why they are an entrapment of food debris and a breeding ground for bacteria. Bad breath, tooh decay, bone loss, and gum discomfort are common outcomes as a result of this. Moreover, the extra pressure from impacted wisdom teeth applied to neighbouring teeth could lead to damage, overcrowding or misalignment.
Your bones become denser as you get older. This not only makes wisdom tooth removal more difficult, but it also lengthens your healing period. This is why, in order to limit the risk of complications, most clients get their wisdom teeth removed sooner rather than later.
Removal might range from a simple extraction to surgical removal, depending on the position, size, and complexity of your wisdom teeth. Your Dentistree Mornignton dentist can assist you in determining the best treatment option for you! This includes using our in-house OPG machine to take a full mouth x-ray to investigate your wisdom teeth and surrounding structures. Following a consultation with one of our dentists, you will be aware of all the benefits and risks of wisdom tooth removal, costs, as well as the solutions available to elevate your experience!
To provide you the finest experience possible, we make sure you are completely calm and comfortable. This involves making sure the tooth is entirely numb before removing it gently, as well as the possibility of using cutting-edge laser technology as part of the surgery. You can rest assured that our highly qualified dentist will remove your wisdom teeth with delicate care to provide the best possible outcome!
Sedation and sleep dentistry are available to alleviate any stress, and you can wake up with no recollection of the procedure. Furthermore, you may choose to enjoy your favourite show with our overhead TV and noise-cancelling headphones.
Although our Mornington Peninsula Dentists are very gentle, some bleeding, pain, tenderness is expected after the procedure. Your dentist would have provided you with some soft padding to bite on to stop the bleeding. Typical healing will take anywhere between one or two weeks. To assist with pain relief, you may take some over-the-counter medication or prescription if required.
To prevent disrupting the blood clot formed and encourage healing, for the first 24 hours after the procedure avoid:
Your Dentistree Mornington is dedicated to holistic patient care and will make sure you are well taken care of. To ensure your recovery is on track, we recommend a follow-up appointment about 2 weeks following wisdom teeth removal. If you have any problems, you are always welcome to contact our wide team, which is available 7 days a week!
You may also be interested to read about Extractions.