Snoring - Your Dentistree Mornington

Are you fed up with your partner’s snoring or have you been asked to sleep in another room because of your snoring? Snoring can happen to anyone – you, your partner, and even your children. Resetting and refreshing before you start your day is important so you deserve a good night’s worth of rest. 

Snoring happens when the airway is partially blocked. If you feel like your sleep is often interrupted by needing to gasp for air, or you wake up with fatigue often, then it may be time to get assessed by a health professional. Although we are passionate about holistic patient care and overall oral health at Your Dentistree Mornington, we care about your general health.

Signs & Symptoms

  • Waking up with headache, fatigue or dry mouth
  • Witnessed gasping or choking for air
  • Excessive snoring with increased duration and loudness
  • Frequent visits to the bathroom at night
  • Depression
  • Daytime tiredness or irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Poor concentration and lapses in memory

Risk Factors

  • Anatomical variation such as narrowed airway and large neck circumference
  • Nasal congestion
  • Lifestyle choices such as smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Age, obesity and sleeping on your back 
  • Pre-existing medical conditions

Treatment Options

Our team of academically accomplished and skilled dentists will screen your mouth, teeth and throat for the warning signs of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). At Your Dentistree Mornington, we are passionate about early detection for early intervention to help improve health outcomes. After close collaboration with a sleep physician, treatment options such as a CPAP machine or oral appliance therapy will be discussed with you.

Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Treatment with Your Dentistree Mornington

Treating sleep disorders with pleasant, holistic, and convenient solutions allows you to enjoy life with comfort. As a patient-centric clinic, we are committed to empowering you to live your life to the fullest – with uninterrupted sleep! For innovative remedies and the latest advancements to treat OSA, book an appointment at Your Dentistree Mornington today!